Impact Stories

An oral history project gathering stories from the California LGBT community

What is Impact Stories?

Using oral histories, video vignettes, and multimedia presentations to tell the story of how LGBT activists made California history from 1966 to 1981.

The purpose of Impact Stories is to document the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement (LGBT) of the 1960s through the early 1980s. The project will gather stories from the personal accounts of those who lived it, including activists, musicians, politicians, writers, and cultural workers.* These pioneers were involved in or directly affected by the California LGBT movement.

History that is not recorded is easily lost. The participants in a crucial movement that began in California are aging. Stories bind us together in common endeavors. Having the inspiring stories of those who came before will continue to impact each of us.

Designed to emcompass an important span of years in the U.S. Civil Rights movement, Impact Stories will focus on the critical period of social change when California's LGBT community set in motion a human rights movement which was soon followed by other LGBT communities on the west coast, throughout the United States, and across the world.

During the course of this project, the histories of the people who lived and contributed to this movement will be documented and preserved. All work will be performed according to the principle and standards of the Oral History Association (OHA).

*This is meant as a partial list of possible participants. It is not meant to exclude anyone with a relevant contribution.

Photo courtesy of Bill Lipsky. All right reserved.

Photo courtesy of Bill Lipsky.
All rights reserved.